Hello Everyone! You are not going to believe what I stumbled across in this tiny little-itty-bitty-nook-and-cranny on the planet... in beautiful Iceland!!! I look at the synchronicities of this spectacular Universe in AWE, and all I can say is... it was meant to be ;). It is my pleasure to introduce you to Eirikur Hermannsson. Eirikur was Ann Wigmore's right hand man.
In the picture above to the far left, you will see the cover of a book that Ann Wigmore gave to Eirikur a couple of weeks before her passing. To the right of that pic is an up-close snapshot of the picture on this book. Eirikur is the man who I have circled in this picture, to the left. The two pictures to the right are from a really old Ann Wigmore Institute brochure. Eirikur is in each and every one of those pictures in the brochure. In the pictures below, you can see Eirikur and I hanging out just a few days ago. You can see that I am just absorbing every word this man has to say like a sponge! Eirikur and I have been hanging out a lot here in Iceland. I can't believe the stuff that we have uncovered at his house. He was showing me letter after letter that Ann Wigmore personally signed and gave him. One was the legal rights to translate any and all of her books and publications into the Icelandic language, and to publish and sell these translated works in Iceland!!! That is a huge honor and clearly shows Dr. Ann's deep trust in Eirikur. Below I have included pictures of a couple of the letters that we came across. We get to see her actual real live signature! ;)
This is just the tip of the iceberg of all the valuable, fun, and profound information Eirikur has to share with the world. I am ABSOLUTELY Dumbfounded by all the things I have seen, witnessed and heard here. There is so much more that I want to share with you, but I don't want to overload you with all this information right now. I'll aim to simply include more information, stories and pictures with each passing newsletter.
Ann Wigmore's 'program' has been evolving since the day she started it and improving all the time. Eirikur has a mass of research and information that Ann Wigmore did not ever get around to publishing. Additionally, he took this information and has been experimenting with it for many years. You would not believe what Eirikur's kitchen looks like. I may include pictures of it in the next newsletter. He is TRULY walking the Live Foods Walk. He is an amazing handy-man and has re-created his house into a Living Foods Paradise. There are sprouting racks that drain into the sink, pallets and pallets of wheatgrass, buckwheat, and sunflower greens on racks all across his kitchen, and he has literally tonnes of incredibly valuable soil from all the decades of composting. I hope to share more details about all this with you next time. Eirikur has been quiet for many years and it seems like he is seeing mine and Angela's arrival here as a sign to come out to the public once again. We are teaming up and brainstorming on what we can create, to bring you the most updated information available. So many EXCITING ideas are brewing, possibly including a retreat center, leture tours, new materials, and much more...
Eirikur has been telling me story after story about this lovely lady, Ann Wigmore. Stories about the ex-Presidents of the US, pharmaceutical companies contacting her, personal stories and so much more. I feel like I understand her life and passion so much better now. I fall deeper and deeper in love with Ann Wigmore with every passing second here. I believe she was and is truly a blessing to this planet and radiated PURE GOODNESS - not willing to sell out for any dollar amount. There is no doubt in my mind right now that a LIVE foods diet, the way that she ate herself, is the ultimate nourishing diet. Much more to come on that in the future...Iceland has been a BLAST in so many ways!!! We had around 100 Inspired Icelanders attend our first talk here. Unexpectedly to me, everyone in the audience looked extremely healthy. Angela was telling me that the lifespan out here in Iceland is pretty high, and one reason for that is the clean air and pure water. The water comes straight from the mountains/nature and even the tap water in the cities has this water coming out of the faucets. I LOVE taking LONG HOT showers as there is no chlorine in the water and it is extremely healthy to bathe in it.
We are also doing another event in Iceland on August 7th, which involves a raw food demo and talk, with food also available from 6pm. I personally will be teaching people step-by-step "How To" eat a healthy Intermediate diet and avoid and heal degenerative disease. You can see more details of the event here HERE.
I am coming back to NYC and CT shortly! I have a 'Raw Transformation' talk planned for Saturday August 16th in NYC, at Bonobo's Raw Vegetarian Restaurant and another on August 14th at Glen's, Catch a Healthy Habit Cafe, at 7pm. For the NYC event, there is only room for about 70 people and well over half the seats are already booked, so I urge you to RSVP ASAP... if you'd love to be there. You can learn more about both these events at this link HERE.
'Shipping Manager' Position Available at The Raw Food World

Are YOU motivated, reliable and physically able to lift boxes?
Do you seek to enjoy your work, with a positive, upbeat energy?
The ideal candidate will be someone efficient, detail-orientated and excited to work in a rapidly expanding, dynamic business in the raw food community. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, we'd love to hear from you? If you are interested, contact me at this link HERE. Thanks :)
The information below is for education only and is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional before making any changes. I would love for you to make an appointment with Dr. Fred Bisci at 718-979-7950, for the most accurate information possible.

Gunda Wrote:
Really enjoying your blog!
Was excited after I read your articles, Overweight on a 100% Raw Food Diet after Long-Term Fasting or Juice Feasting and Juice Feasting Answers, just now about the metabolism slowing when we juice fast and that weight gain is a possibility if we are not careful when we come off the fast. This is good news to me because I am quite thin as a result of eating high raw for the last year and a half. My BMI was as low as 16 about a month ago.
So.... if I fast - which I have always avoided because I'm so thin at 5'7" and 103 lbs - will it slow down my metabolism enough that I can gain weight afterwards or do I risk getting even thinner from fasting? I can't conceive of going back to a SAD way of eating since that means sick, tired, fibromyalgia, asthma etc. again but I sure am skinny. I do light workouts, yoga and running too btw. I am a 53 yr old woman and I loosely follow the 80/10/10 formula except I'm probably at 70/10/20 (fat).
Also would enzymes and or probiotics help with weight gain?
Enjoying your blog,
Gunda Chapman
P.S. I enjoyed seeing you and Angela here in T.O. last summer! Also Looking forward to reading your new book which I just ordered.
I've been passing this question up in my blog for quite some time now as I didn't want people to misinterpret my response. Now that time has blown over... Here we go!!!

Gunda... I don't recommend doing a water fast or juice fast for yourself, in order to gain weight. In fact, I don't recommend anyone to do this, but it can be done. You are probably the healthiest you have ever been right now and I feel that it is silly to risk this balance, just to appease yourself and others, by gaining weight. You can do this, but I sense there is a possibility that you would be compromising your longevity. Your metabolism slowing down is a sign that you need less food to accomplish the same tasks that you were doing before with more food. Therefore, the food will not be needed by the body and will just be added on to your body as excess weight. The same amount of food will now be more of a burden and more damaging to your body after the fast than before it. In general, skinny people live longer. However, in today's societies, it is usually more socially acceptable to be a person with at least a little more weight on their body. You may rather have more weight than live a potentially longer life - the choice is yours - whatever makes you happy ;). If you were to water fast, you would need less food afterwards and you could actually eat less after the fast and maintain the current weight you are at now, due to your metabolism slowing. If you feel like eating less food and fasting for this reason, I feel that can be a very beneficial thing.

Josee Wrote:
Hello Matt,
I've started eating raw last May 15. Since then, I've read many books, including Frederic Patenaude, Dr. Doug Graham, Gabriel Cousins, and David Wolfe's. I just read one of your article about eating too much fruit. I have to say that I am now extremely confused with all the contradicting information I've read. This is quite scary, as everybody seems to have a different opinion on what a healthy raw diet is. Who is right? Who to believe? Everyone claims that they have the right way. I am now very concerned and am starting to believe that altough very attracting, the raw food diet is actually very dangereous and could lead to serious health issues, on the long-term.
I would love to remain raw, but there too much contradicting information out there that I am now greatly doubting the goodness of this type of diet.
Josee-Britanie Mallet
writing you from Hull, Quebec, Canada

The key is to be your own person. I feel that you should read all the views and books, including my book RAW SUCCESS if you like... ;)... and then using YOUR OWN intuition, consume what you feel is correct for you. I think it is GREAT that there is so much to explore out there!!! Oh, and don't let our egos get in the way of your health... ;)
FREE 28-Page Raw Lifestyle Guide... :)

THANK YOU, Mr. McCabe and...ENJOY :)

"With this encyclopedia-style guide, you have at your fingertips everything you need to know to live a healthy, eco-friendly life in our industrialized, consumer-driven society. Collected here is concise information on every relevant topic imaginable, including: the food shortage myth, pollution caused by farm animals, poisons in cooked food, plant-based food and health, soaps and detergents, fair trade, heart disease, hunger and homelessness, etc.
Woven in among the tips are countless quotes from Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., David Attenborough, and many other famous, respected figures. The bulk of the book is made up by the Sunfood Living Directory, which directs readers to the organizations, publications, and other resources they can turn to for in-depth information on each topic."