I just sent out an awesome Newsletter. If you are not on my email list, you can join at http://www.rawspirit.org/. If you just want to see the newsletter, go to:
We created a video of our latest Thailand adventures which can viewed at the link below:
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
More Thailand Adventures!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thailand!!! Arrival...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
All Disease is the SAME!!! - even Candida...

I have been avoiding fruits with a few exceptions for about 3 months now as I seemed to have excess candida (it is obvious from my colonics). Would you think that it would now be ok to bring fruit back in to my diet? I miss it greatly (!!) but don't want to go back too quickly. Is there anyway of knowing if it's too early for fruit or any info or suggestions you can provide me with?Thank you very much!Casey
You could go back to fruit whenever you want. I would eat only moderate quantities of fruit. I know that you are on this Anti-Candida diet and it will work and get rid of the Candida. However, Candida can come back into anybody at any time. The truth is it thrives in a toxic system. If you go back into eating more than moderate quantities of fruit ever, there is a great chance that it will come back. It's an ONGOING game keeping the body 'clean' and avoiding symptoms like candida. Additionally, now that you have done the cleaner diet to get rid of the Candida, your system is now cleaner and more sensitive. Now you might find you actually get the Candida back even easier, as your body will not tolerate excess sugar fruit.
All disease is the same! It is waste that builds up in the system and tries to leave through different areas of the body. For example, zits, rashes, bronchitis, flu, Candida, eczema, STD outbreaks, etc., are this MONSTROUS toxicity trying to get out. Most people then take antibiotics or smthg similar to silence the monster. We then end up with internal diseases in the long-run such as arthritis, cancer, etc.
It gets confusing going on a Raw Diet because all these types of outbreaks happens as our body tries to expel this waste. It finds the weakest area of the body and takes that route to leave. For example, in someone who has herpes, the body will take that route to eliminate through the genitals, and the same for acne with the face, Candida, and eczema, etc.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yep... it's another post ALL about Colon Hydrotherapy... ;)

When I first went Raw, I kind of 'cheated' the detoxification process. Don't get me wrong, I remember detoxing and walking the streets of New York City wanting food from all the sushi bars and pizza joints I passed. However, I did have it pretty easy, compared to the stories I hear from many people who try to stay 100% raw. Everytime the detox got crazy, whenever I had zits on my face with a runny nose, whenever I had to go back and forth to the bathroom nonstop, I scheduled a colonic. I generally did this every 10 days when I first went raw. That means about 3 times a month. As soon as I didn't feel good, I would do a session and be TRANSPORTED back to CLEAN SPIRITUAL BLISS. Being internally 'clean' is, I feel, a huge part of this game. Many Yogi 'Gurus' recommend a raw diet with colon hydrotherapy, because it is one of the best ways to aid the body in physically receiving that downpour of Universal Cosmic Energy.
Periodic Colon Hydrotherapy has the ability to take the Cravings away.
Don wrote:
Hi Matt. I read in your "Raw Success" emails about the man who went raw and was having great hunger pains. You have continually stressed the importance of enemas in your newsletter. I have been doing colonics with a colema board for about a month now and one of the many benefits I have received is a very noticeable reduction in hunger. I eat much less and when I do get hungry it is not at all painful but just simply an awareness of hunger. I would highly recommend to anyone on a raw or transitional raw diet to start a practice of colonics on a regular basis. I do 2 to 3 per week. Go for it.

I also agree that colon cleansing has helped me so much with over coming compulsive eating. It sounds strange that it would, but I've noticed a change. Also, once the body is getting truly nourished on a raw and living foods diets, the hunger eventually falls away.Thanks, as always for providing such great education!
Check Penni out at her link above. She is doing AMAZING work spreading the raw message.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Multiple Myeloma Incurable???

I have been talking a lot about the benefits of enzymes in my blog and newsletters. A few people have asked me if they could succeed on the 100% Raw Food Diet without taking an enzyme supplement.
Of course you can! You don't need enzyme capsules or any other supplement for that matter. Eliminating the foods that damage us the most is the key in allowing our bodies to heal. Supplements, such as enzymes, are simply a great addition to a better diet.

This is what the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation has to say about healing this cancer:
"Multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cell, is an incurable but treatable disease."
Brad Wrote:
Hi Matt, I hope this finds you in good health and happiness. I have found success in staying with raw foods, especially consistent with my meditation practices and sharing circle. I have a question that perhaps has been discussed in one of your printed materials or blog. I find my addiction to food is enormous and have EXTREME hunger pains; this is true when I don't sit with a huge bag of grapes on my lap or consuming LOTS of nuts to kill the hunger sensation. I will look forward to your suggestions and feedback! I just purchased Angela's Raw Emotions as this seemed to connect with my food addiction issues that seem to be rising to the surface.
Thanks, Brad. Personally, I went from the Standard American Diet to a 100% Raw Food diet OVERNIGHT. I made the decision and nothing was going to stop me. Little did I know what was in store for me ;). I experienced many 'inconveniences', such as social issues, digestive discomfort, hunger pains, imbalance, overeating, and much more. None of the Raw Food Books at that time addressed anything like this and that is why I wrote Raw Spirit. It was to shed some light on these "negative experiences". I also was dumbfounded by the spiritual transformation that can occur while raw, which didn't seem to be talked about much at that time - so I wrote about that area too in Raw Spirit.
As I have said in the past, It takes years to get used to this type of lifestyle. I remember in the beginning eating a HUGE salad every night and STILL walking back and forth to the refrigerator repeatedly after eating dinner. This HUGE salad consisted of ten large heirloom tomatoes, 3 LARGE avocados, a BIG head of romaine lettuce and many more ingredients. I ate that meal every night for the first 4 YEARS OF BEING 100% Raw. !~THAT'S HOW I DID IT~!

Although it takes many years to truly get used to this type of diet, it can also seem like a blink of an eye. Before you know it, your body will require very little food. We need a lot less food to THRIVE than most people realise. If at some point you do not feel good on that empty feeling in your stomach and eat over it, then you will experience a lack of energy, indigestion, weight gain, and/or possibly a feeling of dis-satisfaction, as your body deals with food that it doesn't want or need. I am in the process of writing my next newsletter which will discuss how the body evolves into needing very little food on the 100% Raw Food Diet and the importance of gaining COMPLETE control of our food intake on the Raw Diet for ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION and L-O-N-G-E-V-I-T-Y.

Monday, April 14, 2008
Chia Seeds and Acid Reflux

The documentary is called 'The Power of Community - How Cuba Survived Peak Oil' and you can see more about it HERE. I recommend checking it out.

Bernard Jensen
Friday, April 11, 2008
Burrrrr!!! It's cold outside! Raw Food?!?!
Kelly wrote:

This can get quite complex. If you eat little in a day, and your bloodstream is clean, your vitality will be high (or even raise), because your energy will not be used up on digesting food, or sapped by a dirty bloodstream. Your energy will be more "Free-Flowing". If you persist eating small amounts like this, at some point your body will get enough vitality to give off even more endogenous toxins to cleanse you more on a cellular level, which can take you to the next level of cellular cleanliness.
I find this a bit IRONIC! This is the kind of the point at which you will experience detox and possibly get cold, however, just before a healing crisis like this, you probably could have handled the cold without a problem. So, while your body is actually reaching onwards into a stronger and more vital state overall, in the short interim of the healing crisis, as the cells cleanse themselves of toxins, we can feel cold, shaky, unwell, unstable and so on. It is just a stepping stone stage - nothing to be feared - you will come out the other side with a cleaner and stronger body as a result.
Additionally, for a guy like me who has been 100% raw vegan for 8 years, if I eat little in a day, it isn't actually so much of an improvement in my diet that it causes a healing crisis. Therefore, if I persisted eating like that, the detox wouldn't be so severe, compared to someone who eats, for example, a Standard American Diet.

Our Angela suggested:
drink warm drinks, like herbal tea - perhaps try having warmed soups etc too - if you can keep your finger in it without pain, that's ok...try foods straight from a dehydrator for example too...eat warming foods like hot peppers, cayenne and ginger, eat lots of heavier foods in winter time like nuts, seeds, avos etc, dress very warm, get good exercise to get your circulation going, like rebounding etc etc - lots to do to support your process... ;)

Monday, April 7, 2008
Natural Tooth Whitener?!
I had to share this comment from Debbie!
Hey Matt
Wanted you to know that your web article on the secret of raw food success led me to my first colonic and I cannot thank you enough!!!!
Thanks for all you do for the raw community!
rawk on
Sam Wrote:
Hi Matt,
I love your blogs!! Keep up the good work!!
I just finished reading your 'Raw Spirit' book which I loved and I have a question regarding the tooth whitening supplement called Active H. Does this really work?? because I have never heard of it and it seems to good to be true!! What kind of a supplement is it?? Is it a pill?? a paste?? Where can I get it??
Thanks for any info on this.
Sam Cook
I always get this question and I am excited to answer it here in the blog. Here is the excerpt about Active H in my book 'Raw Spirit':
While guzzling delicious vegetable juices and spooning green food supplements, your teeth can easily start to look yellowish and stained. I remember looking in the mirror one day thinking my teeth had rotted; they were such an awful color. Horrified, I assumed my teeth were leaching minerals from the inside out. I refused to go anywhere and couldn't bear to smile. Desperate, I called Dr. Bisci. He explained that my teeth were likely just stained and told me to go to the dentist and get a cleaning; or brush thoroughly with a Sonicare toothbrush while sprinkling on the bristles the supplement Active H. Active H is negatively charged hydrogen ions and is probably the most powerful antioxidant in the United States. Two hours of brushing produced some seriously white teeth. Since then, I learned to rinse my mouth out with water every time I drink a vegetable juice and that helps keep the staining to a minimum. Occasionally, I’ll need to use Active H for another teeth whitening treatment.
Yikes! I remember that week vividly. I was soooo depressed! However, my teeth were Soooooo white after using the Active H, it was MIRACULOUS! Keep in mind that the stains I had came strictly from green food powders, which at that time I was taking masses of. I can't guarantee that it is going to work for any type of tooth stain. Some people have really yellow teeth - maybe from smoking, for example. However, if your teeth are stained from green foods and veggie juices, I can guarantee it will work. I would try it regardless. It's a great supplement to take anyways. It is a bottle of little capsules that contain powder. You just empty the powder out onto your toothpaste, which you've already spread on your tooth brush. When I did it for the first time, I sat there for over an hour just brushing away. My teeth were so WHITE, my friend couldn't believe it. If you do try it, I'd recommend you get a sonicare electric tooth brush and try brushing for a LONG time. Let me know the results. You can get the Active H, HERE.
Kelsey Wrote:
I'm a raw food teen (19) and I'm new to it but I've healed about a dozen major health problems. I was a cooked vegan before. Anyways I met this good looking guy at Starbucks (I go there for tea) and we are hitting it off. I haven't talked to him on a personal level though. If we go out how do I break it to him that I eat raw food without him running away? When do I tell him and where and how? I'm really nervous and have been up for hours at night tossing around about it. I know that’s sad haha. PLEASE help.
love, K.
Oh Kelsey... I don't think that's 'sad'. The social ramifications when living a lifestyle that less than 1% of the human population follows can be quite difficult. I didn't realize how harsh it was on me until one day at a lecture, I was talking about the social issues I experienced with my family and friends. As I did this, a tear started to run down my face.Forget the short-term; let's look at the long-term here. Let's say you actually end up being with him for three months. If anyone here is going to have an issue about the relationship, I bet it is you. I can see it now. I can see you sitting at a nice dinner with him as you watch him scarf down Gluten-Filled Pasta topped with STRAIGHT MELTED BUTTER and a slab of a dead carcass to go with it. To finish it off he decides to eat a sugar-laced cake to wash it all down. Oh... and don't forget that goodnight kiss.
Oh man... I think I may have been a bit harsh here. If anyone wants to give Kelsey some advice, email it to me and I'll pass it on to her.
I would be true to yourself and I guarantee that you will meet a man worthy of your Raw Beauty. Being Raw is a bonus, it's HOT! I can count numerous men who have switched over to being Raw, SPARKED by a woman. In the past, women I dated who were not Raw, switched over. They wanted to experience shifts like soft skin, a sweet smell and a stronger vibration for themselves.
Don't get discouraged and start eating in a way that is not true to you. I remember a story of a woman who didn't smoke but all her friends did. The smoke hurt her lungs soooo badly that she couldn't be around her friends anymore. She decided to take up smoking so she could be with her friends. She became very addicted and got cancer. Many people don't stay Raw for the same reason. They want to eat with their friends, so they start eating like their peers, at expense to their own well-being.
Sharon Wrote:Matt, thank you for the very informative post today. Really appreciate what you share on all your posts,actually! I was wondering this: I tried Colosan about 3 weeks ago (after noticing it posted on your blog!) and think it is a very good product. After just using it for only one week the skin on my face really improved alot! My question is - how do you recommend using Colosan. After viewing that colon video on your site (wow!) I feel even more sensitive about colon health (and water quality!) ... should I use it in a regular - even daily - way?...(I was thinking about using it per the instructions on the bottle next week for a week).Hope you have the chance to respond.Kindest regards,Sharon
Yes, do it like the bottle says. I would do it for as long as they say to do it. Let me know the results. Then I can share them with my mom and hopefully she'll take it. Doing colon hydrotherapy WHILE doing the Colosan will give you the ultimate skin beautifying results. WHOA!!!!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Inside the colon!

Dr. Norman Walker
The first couple of colons are quite clean. Keep in mind that before putting the camera inside the colon, they completely cleaned it out first, as part of the preparation proces. Additionally, this video does not include information about the gas pressure in the colon or the "Hidden Mess" lurking in their small intestines. It is easy for anyone to clean the colon out, however, the nasty mess inside the small intestines is quite difficult to access. I finally accomplished this, personally, after doing the psyllium-bentonite cleanse, when my third eye opened. That psyllium-bentonite cleanse targets the small intestines. The GREAT thing about the Colosan product is that it VERY GENTLY works on the small intestines with oxygen, to release all that old junk.
When you do colon hydrotherapy, you can't get into the small intestines. However, when you cleanse the colon you definitely provide a greater opportunity for waste in the small intestines to dump into the colon. The most important thing about colon hydrotherapy is that it eliminates gas. That gas pressure is what constipates our cells from detoxing on a cellular level. You can sometimes feel this gas pressure in your head and other areas of the body. Most people get MASSIVE relief after doing a colonic. If you have improved your diet in any way consistently for a reasonable amount of time, then it's a GREAT idea to do a colonic and there is a GREAT chance that you too will experience a massive amount of RELIEF!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Forward Steps!!!
In the 1917 Journal of American Medicine, Dr. Kellogg reported that in the treatment of gastrointestinal disease in over 40,000 cases, he had used surgery in only twenty cases. The rest were helped as through cleansing the bowels, diet and exercise.
Matt- my question is about tea. I am proud to say I
have completed my second week of what I would say is a
95% raw diet! I know that most raw foodists do not
drink tea, but will drinking a cup of tea in the
morning reduce the good I am doing by juicing 2x a
day? I live in Seattle, and am finding it hard to let
go of that warm drink - especially when there is so
much information regarding the health benefits of
green tea. What could you tell me about the effects
of caffeine on a raw foodist?
Many thanks for your inspiration,

If what you crave is a warm drink, why not drink herbal teas without caffeine? Regardless, all you have done is made improvements (Forward Steps!!!). You haven't stepped backwards. You are on the right track. If you continue to consistently live like this, at some point you will most likely give up the caffeine. Good job on the improvements!!!