Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to do an enema, episode #353

Today we give direction on how to do an enema. This is perfect for the type of person that can't afford colonics. Enjoy...


LandSurfingPro said...

Video is not there to play say it has been removed!

Bina said...

Wow that was so helpful! I just did my first enema recently and was a little scared because I didnt know what to expect, but was surprised how light I felt after. My question is whether one needs to be fasting while doing enemas or if it's just good to do them every night or regularly?

Mike Ross said...

When I grew my hair long I started parting it in the middle. Hopefully your Youtube controversy brought you more viewers. Positive Energy
- My Cross

Anonymous said...

Wonderful wonderful thank you for the good advise I really enjoy all of your videos

Anonymous said...

how to you deal with the sanitation cleanup of the enima equipment? Any nitty gritty TMI tips? It looks like the nozzles were re-usable and the thought of trying to clean that in the sink just seems really gross, besides do leaks and accidents happen etc?

Rafael said...

Is it recommended to do daily enemas for 2-3 weeks? Is that "healthy" for the colon or problems arise (no more natural bowel movements or something of that sort). I've even read somewhere that doing an enema just once can lead to detrimental health problems as it affects the intestinal bacteria flora.

What are your thoughts on daily enemas for an extended period of time? And how do enemas affect intestinal flora? Maybe this could be a topic for another show.

Emily said...

What is the benefit of doing an enema or colonic over, say, a colon cleanse? I just finished one for three months, and while I never saw anything particularly scary I did feel much better afterward. My acid reflux is much improved, along with other areas of digestive health.

I'd recommend it to anyone.

I'm still scared of doing enemas though.

vibradores said...

Very helpful piece of writing, much thanks for the article.

JenL said...

HI Matt, I was wondering if there is a time during the day that is better for enemas. I have a little concern about the colon or digestive tract being somewhat full
when I do an enema. Or if I should fast or semi-fast prior to an enema. I know this is an old post and I also watch you videos (really enjoyable and helpful!).

Thank you for promoting colon cleansing so strongly - I think you're about the only person who recommends it so strongly and this has inspired me to start doing enemas and I really appreciate it.
Maybe I'll try a colonic sometime, but my little enema bag is a start and I'm so glad to know about this.