Monday, January 18, 2010

Truly Raw Acai Powder & Blendtec Winners, Episode #352 & #353

Today we've got TWO Videos!!! We have arrived back in Ojai and we review a few new products including Truly Raw Acai powder. To our surprise, it tastes SOOOO Good! Additionally, we need YOUR help to choose the Blendtec winner... Enjoy...

Truly Raw Acai Powder, Episode #352

Matt | MySpace Video

Blendtec Contest Winners

Matt | MySpace Video


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Anonymous said...


Joanie in Indiana

Anonymous said...

GOT TO BE ACCORDIAN MAN!!! oh yaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Anonymous said...

Scott and Andrea in Arizona say.....Accordian Man cannot be beat!

Anonymous said...

Acordian man!

Anonymous said...


The other video is funny too, but doesn't really explain why that individual wants a blendtec.

Anonymous said...

Accordian Man...he makes my motor run, my motor run!

Anonymous said...


mari1942 said...

Accordian Man tells it like it is,
blendtec! Absolutely

Unknown said...

Accordion Man!! NO DOUBT!

Anonymous said...

Accordian Man! He is the TRUTH!! Give that man his Blendtec!!!

Anonymous said...

Accordion Man should win! The superheroes was Annoying!

Shiree said...

Accordion Man!!! The other one just doesn't match up to this guy. Sorry, but accordion man was super cool!

Anonymous said...

Accordion man all the rawway!!!!

Veg an'Bio said...

If there is only One vote for the Superheroes : that's Mine !!! I really prefer this video.
The fine other one of the accordian man sounds too "noisy" for me and I could hardly hear the words of the song.

Marijana Pontoni said...

Acordian man! What a great spirit!!!! A huuuuuge hit!

TheCraftyVegan said...

A blendtec user vote for Acordian man!

june2 said...


Petal said...

I have never laughed so hard at 4:40 am EVER ACCORDION B-B-B-Blentec all the way. Angela you rock :))))

janet leigh said...

superheros, oh yeah!

Anonymous said...

Super heroes!

Unknown said...

Accordian Man

Raw-Riffic Food said...

Accordian Man all the way! He was entertaining, and I could listen and understand all the words - directly related to using the Blendtec. Infact, it would make a great commercial gingle.

The other one was okay, but hard to follow. The writing was too long, and didn't stay on screen long enough to read. Still creative, but not as good as Accordian Man.

I truly think Accordian Man deserves this one!!! =)

Mia said...

Accordion man! :)

Henrik said...

Accordian Man!

Anonymous said...

Accordian Man

Anonymous said...

OMG! It's so hard to say they are both so great!!.... I'de have to go with accordian man though.. his song has me pumped for the day! LOL..

Unknown said...

Accordian Man!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved SuperHeros! The Best Video Ever......Peace,Love and Happiness.

Anonymous said...

Super Heros....made me giggle

Anonymous said...

I vote for ACCORDIAN MAN. :)

José Matos aka Z said...

SUPERHEROS! It's the story... you see...

Michelle K said...

Accordion Man!!!!

Debb said...

Definitely Accordian Man. He puts himself out there. The other one is no competition for Disney.

Anonymous said...

Accordian Man!!

Anonymous said...

I vote for SUPERHEROS!!! That was a lot of work!!

Jeremy Merriam said...

Sorry Matt, but Accordian man for the win

Anonymous said...

Accordian man

Kim and Ian said...

My son and I liked Superheroes best!

Linda said...

SUPERHEORS, however, as a retired psych nurse I can see why Angels wants accordian man.

Kelly Daley said...

Accordian Man!!

Anonymous said...

Accordian man!!! He's a star!!!

Joy said...

Accordian Man gets my vote.

Anonymous said...

Accordian Man!!!

Anonymous said...


January 19, 2010


Unknown said...

If it can't be BOTH,
i want super heroes to win! if they don't, what will become of the city of Rawville? What if Chicago is next??!!

Super heroes!!

or both?

Anonymous said...

OMG ... I'm with Angela! It's gotta be the Acordian guy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Accordion Man!!!

Lady P's Place said...

Accordian Man!!!

Unknown said...

I think that SUPERHEROS is much better one.

Anonymous said...

Clearly they both are Winners! Come on Matt! You can do something about that! Accordian Man would be my choice as I laughed throughout. However, Superheros was very entertaining.

Tamikko said...

I think Superheroes should win because of all the work that was put into it. Accordion Man is made of win though, and if there could be two winners they clearly should both win :)

Twigweaver said...

A vote for Accordian Man!

Twigweaver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sarah sherman said...

Accordion Man!!!

Bobi Wilson said...

Accordian Man for sure. SuperHero's is great but Accordian man is totally RAW!

Lori_G said...

Has to be Acordian man!!! He was so great.

Lisa @ Me and My House said...

Definitely Accordian man! No contest.

Alilcrunchi (Sara) said...

Considering I saw this guy last night before I saw your video and thought it was a hoot then, watching it over just made me truly understand why Angela would play it over and over for you Matt. So I definitely choose the ACCORDION MAN!

***scampers off to add the Accordion man to her playlist***

Unknown said...

Accordian Man for the win.

Kudos though to the superhero makers as I can see the work they did

Anonymous said...

I'm with Angela - Accordian Man

Anonymous said...

SUPER HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Both extremely entertaining and brilliantly thought out. While 'Superheros' was clearly tons of 'work', my vote is with the now infamous 'Accordion Man'.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Superheroes!

Unknown said...


Rachél Payne - Creativity Tribe said...

The accordion dude has raw attitude. And he also has my vote!

Rosie said...

At first I thought ACCORDION MAN cause he is clearly a Weird Al disciple and Weird Al and I share the same birthday, and people born on October 23rd have a highly developed sense of humor. But then I saw SUPERHEROS and laughed a lot. I don't normally like that type of thing, but it was so stupid, I thought it was brilliant! More stupidly funny than Accordion Man. yes--as Obama would say--SUPERHEROS acted stupidly. My colonic-free gut tells me SUPERHEROS.

Rosie, your Natural Neighbor said...

At first I thought ACCORDION MAN cause he is clearly a Weird Al disciple and Weird Al and I share the same birthday, and people born on October 23rd have a highly developed sense of humor. But then I saw SUPERHEROS and laughed a lot. I don't normally like that type of thing, but it was so stupid, I thought it was brilliant! More stupidly funny than Accordion Man. yes--as Obama would say--SUPERHEROS acted stupidly. My colonic-free gut tells me SUPERHEROS.

Barbie said...

Accordian Man!

Miriam said...

Send them both a blender! They were both AWESOME!!!! If you have to chose, I'd go with accordion man. My husband is a songwriter, too, and it was simply fun and catchy.

Mike said...

Mickey says: Accordian Man! He is Mr. Master Cleanse on youtube...

Anonymous said...

They were both great, but have to go with Accordian Man....

Anonymous said...

superheroes. no competition.

Anonymous said...

ACCORDIAN MAN!! Definitely. Yep, yep.

raw fan said...

Saw Accordian Man, thought "He should win!"
Saw Superheroes, thought "They should win!"
A tie - give away 2 blenders! Otherwise, Accordian Man did put himself out there, so pick him! 8)

Anonymous said...


Freya said...

The super hero one was amazing, so much work went into it and it made me giggle. (But i did love the accordian man too)

Anonymous said...

Accordian man!!!!

Alilcrunchi (Sara) said...

Oh and another comment Matt and Angela. Maybe you should check out a different place of uploading your videos. Vimeo is a good one. They have the highest quality out there.

Unknown said...

Accordian man!

Anonymous said...

Accordion man!!!!!!!! Cute-original-funny-sweet-lol

Anonymous said...

ACCORDION MAN gets my vote - can I take him home with me?

Patricia A'amina said...

SUPERHEROS! Very Creative!

Elyse Martin said...

Accordian Man!!!

Anonymous said...

Accordian man! Go accordians!

Anonymous said...

I loved both of the vids - for the following: The accordian player (aka thatonlineguy) was great, I loved the song and it was direct regarding why he needs the blentec. Also, I have been following his raw journey on youtube and I feel a connection to him and I can tell you, HE DOES NEED THE BLENTEC. The other Godzilla Blentec vid was great but it was not clear as to why they needed the Blentec. Wasnt that a requirement? The scene with the city being attacked by the stick blender was hilarious and LOL funny. Hmmm... both awesome but for really different qualities. Hmmm... I guess I am not helping with the decision. :) - myroadhome

Unknown said...

Ok, I have watched both videos, not only once, but 3 times. I have listened to all the words, and paused and read all the text.
The winner (according to me) is:


No doubt!
it is witty, clever and funny.
Besides, I have the same blender as she (I also have a Blendtec), and I can tell you - IT SUCKS!!! So. That girl really need a new Blendtec! Just give it to her!
But If you deside on not letting her win – then for all our sake, let them both win… Pease and Blendtecs to all of us! :D

JA Smith said...

We cheered for SUPERHEROS... as they spoke the TRUTH. But give it to AccordingMAN for TALENT.

September said...

Def Super Heroes I laughed so HARD!!!

Anonymous said...

B-B-B-Blendtec Blender! Accordian man all the way!

Skoglys said...


Jo Cauldrick said...

Have you been banned from you tube AGAIN? I saw your video yesterday, but today it's gone! Well someone is keeping an eye on you.

organicfrmr said...

accordian man

Anonymous said...

I know that guy from thatoneguyonline on youtube. He's not 100% raw but he's a vegan and he's really trying. Boy did he struggle. He goes to a raw foods support group and said 2010 is the year he wants to go all raw. He's a cool/funny kid and I think he should win. Plus he sang about all the things he will do with his Blendtec. So my vote is for ACCORDIAN MAN.

Unknown said...

Very creative and lots of hard work.
Accordian Man was painful to listen to!!!!!!

Joyisaware said...

Wow the Accordeon Man is amazing! he made me jump and dance through my room, and trust me that doesn't happen often..;) The Superheros were super awesome, i loved all the characters thoroughly!
It's The Accordeon FTW 4 me .:.

Thanks for sharing y'All

Anonymous said...

Accordeon guy

Unknown said...

acordian man gets my vote, laughed like crazy over the superheros but acordian man said what he would do with it & the music is funky

joan said...

looks like accordion man is winning, but i can't help voting for superheroes. that one had some superior INTELLIGENCE and WORK put into it. it was GRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!

love and laughs to y'all .....

Unknown said...


Diana said...


Anonymous said...

Accordian Man gets my vote but kudos to Super Hero also.

Declare it a tie and give them each one. Come on, guys.

cheryl marie said...

It is a tough decision, but it's the Accordion Man's song that sticks with me. :)

Anonymous said...

Yea, I have to post again and back up the suggestion that maybe they BOTH should get one. I know its a big hunk of cash for your business but think of the love and generosity karma kudos you will receive. Perhaps you should request one more mini thank-you vid from them (for all of us) I know, I am greedy. Also, I need to correct a typo from my previous comment. The accordian guys youtube name is "thatoneguyonline" and he did after a year transition go 100% raw on Jan 1 of 2010. -myroadhome
Also, whats up with your youtube acct (?!). I sent love vibes and grumpy email to youtube on your behalf.

JesusGeek said...

Accordion Man, man!!!

(Superhero video great but Accordion man just couldn't be beat!!)

Anonymous said...


Patrick and Emily said...

Accordion Man!!!!!!

Tawni said...

Most definitely Accordian Man!! He Rocks! :D

Anonymous said...

Since my era was the 80''s got to be Accordian Man!!

Unknown said...

Accordian man

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Accordion Man rocks! :-)

Anonymous said...

Superheroes, for sure!

Unknown said...

How can you choose. I say Two Blendtec's to the rescue.....

Koa said...

Accordian hands down.

Unknown said...

How can you choose! I say two blendtec's to the rescue....

Anonymous said...

accordion man 2 win please.

Anonymous said...

without a doubt - Accordian Man!!

Anonymous said...

Super Heros...made me laugh out loud, the ending was hilarious! LOL!

acai lover said...

Thanks for your post on the raw acai powder.

Joni said...

Superheroes for sure!

Kim and David Hostetter said...

Tough choice but gotta go with Super Heroes! Lots of creativity and good humor!

Missy Brown said...

Tough call...I'm gonna have to go with Accordian Man. But superheros was great, too!

Anonymous said...

Simply exceptional! Accordian Man!

Anonymous said...


Barbara W. said...

Accordian Man

Unknown said...

i say blend the rules and give em both a blender!! :)
but if only one gets it, i would say give it to ACCORDION.

Anonymous said...

They were both great - really original! My vote is for SUPERHEROS :-)

uzbekjoe said...

Accordion man was a bit long for me. Amusing if he kept it under a minute.
Superheros still has me laughing after seeing it.
The Paul Nison Caption was the funniest to me.
So my vote goes to Superheros.

Anonymous said...

Accordian guy!!!

SweetSheep said...

Accordian Man was very entertaining and Superhero was very funny. They were both very creative and original - I think they both deserve to win a Blendtec!

Anonymous said...

Accordian Man has my vote.

Myra said...

accordian man

Anonymous said...

Accordian man!

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

Accordian Man

Anonymous said...

not fair I like them both. I'm going to vote for Accordian Man

Unknown said...

I vote for Super Heroes.

They were both good.

Resa said...

Difficult decision! Accordion man has great talent & really seems to need the Blendtec. But Superheros was a LOT of work! I say give them both one! They both deserve it!!! If you're really determined to have one winner, my vote is for Accordion Man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great information on the raw acai. I can't believe all the acai berry benefits that people can enjoy by taking this small fruit daily.

Scherry Valentine said...

super heros, by far

Anonymous said...

Has to be, drum roll please...........Accordian man!!!!

ccadams said...

Definitely, superheroes

Coleen said...

ACCORDIAN MAN!!! Very catchy!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Rylee said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It has to be Accordian Man!!

Michelle said...

Accordion Man!!!

Anonymous said...

Accordian man. funny! ;)

Mary Hennessey Aikens said...

Accordian Man for sure!! Loved his song, not the accordian though.

Anonymous said...

Accordian Man

isadora said...

The first one is better :) Accordian man !

Holly said...


Anonymous said...


mandalagrl said...

SUPERHEROES! seriously! : D

Anonymous said...


(Or BOTH!!! - Come on, it's only fair that both of these people get a blender. Both need one and both were really fun to watch! Come on!!!)

Anonymous said...


Looks like it took a lot of work. Love that Godzilla scene!

Jamie said...

Definitely Accordion Man!!!!!!! Sorry Matt.

Anonymous said...

I agree, give BOTH a blender!!!!

John M. said...

I agree with Matt-Man. :)

Go Superheroes!

Jade said...

Both! Both! Both Both Both! BOTH!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

If you do not give BOTH of them blenders it'll totally suck. Sorry, but they both were creative in different ways and funny in different ways. They both need blenders SO badly. Come on, have a HEART guys!!!

craig c said...


Anonymous said...


karafree said...

Superheros! superheros! hurray!
Superheros won the day!

Silent6 said...

Superheroes was clever and silly and accordian man was goofy...

BOTH deserve to win.

karafree said...

ok I just watched again... Superheros obviously took a lot to create that... sooo much time, and effort, This person must passionately want this blender...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SUPERHEROS! SUPERHEROS! SUPERHEROS! It had visual, art, music, and a very clever story. No contest!.

D-Laney said...

Got sick of the 1st vid real quik.
my vote's for SUPERHEROES.

Anonymous said...

From Carlsbad CA
and my sympathies Matt for having to listen to accordian man over and overandoverandoverandoverandoverandover...........................................................................................and

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love all the jokes in SUPERHEROES. Looks like that took a lot of work. My vote is for SUPERHEROES. Although, if it were up to me I'd give them BOTH blenders.

Kelley S. said...

I agree with everyone voting BOTH. That's the only thing that seems FAIR!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I think since both of you can't agree then you both should give one to each contestant. Either that or give them each half a blender. =/

Geoff said...

I vote BOTH!

Anonymous said...

Spread the LOVE guys, give them BOTH blenders. Come on!

Anonymous said...

Superheros looks like it required a lot of work. I mean that Godzilla scene probably took more time to build than it probably took the Accordian Man to create the lyrics.

If we measure it in degrees of passion and desire.... Superheros wins it hands down.

Anonymous said...

That stomping blender is a threat to peace in the land! Somebody please give Nature Girl a BlendTech Blender! She's our only hope!


Chris' Family said...

They both made it this far, reward them BOTH! Their videos are too different to try and judge which is best. I like the superheroes one way better, but the accordian guys shouldn't be left blenderless because of that. So, I guess I too will vote for BOTH.

Tyson said...

me too - both

Anonymous said...

Both of them!

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the "BOTH" posts. Why shouldn't there be two winners!?
I loved one of the videos but I don't want to vote cuz they both should get blenders.

Danny L. said...

Yeah, BOTH or nuthin'...jk

Seriously, BOTH!!!

Anonymous said...

They were both wonderful but ACCORDIAN MAN gets our vote!!

Brandon & Danielle in TENNESSEE!

Anonymous said...

I can't even believe it's a contest. Just for that, I'm saying BOTH too!

Jimmy & His Friends said...


Wilson said...

I see a "BOTH" trend happening...Yeah, I think that's the only fair thing to do. You two can't decide and why should one of them lose out on a blender because of that. Plus, like someone else mentioned...good karma.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

ACCORDIAN MAN - Absolutely!!!
- Dez :)

Anonymous said...

Superheros, no contest!


Anonymous said...

"lp" comes from a land of trechery, I hope you are logging IP on "Anonymousez"

x115z said...

Accordion Man
I think people are afraid to try to spell accordion.

Anonymous said...


RosieREAL said...


Anonymous said...

Give blenders to BOTH OF THEM!

Anonymous said...

SUPERHEROS All the way!!!

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