Greetings from Matt Monarch
In this Newsletter you can find:
- Reversing Calcification Article, by Matt Monarch
- The Raw Food World T.V. Show Updates
- Matt Monarch & Angela Stokes-Monarch - Tour Dates
- New Products: WILD Reishi Mushroom Caps!!!, Deer Antler Essence, Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat Groats, and More!...
- "At Cost!" Specials: Creamy Almond Butter!, REDDROX, MSM caps, and Marine Phytoplankton (10% off),
- "Below Cost!" Specials: Hem.p Seeds 3lb & Hem.p Oil 16oz!!! & Ulimana Truffles
This Hem.p Seed & Hem.p Oil combo deal is the BEST OFFER we have ever had!!!
Reversing Calcification, by Matt Monarch
Osteoporosis, arthrit!s, and other aches and pains of the body have become EXTREMELY widespread amongst humans. We all seem to have family members and friends who are experiencing osteoporosis, weaknesses, aches from old injuries, tooth decay or other such conditions. Chances are high that these friends and family members were most likely all prescribed a calcium supplement to help them with these conditions. So why, after years of following this guidance, are they not finding relief and instead just experiencing even more conditions such as arthr!tis, cataracts, stiffness, and other signs of soreness and deterioration?
When a person steps aside from the big veil that has been thrown over humanity's eyes, so many things become blatantly obvious to us. For example, we notice that the pharmaceutical drugs and chemical concoctions taken by millions of people are one of the primary contributing factors to the downward–spiralling health of our species. For years, many of us have witnessed our friends and family members taking these calcium supplements for example, in order to help with conditions such as osteoporosis, arthr!tis and so on. Deep down we know that taking these calcium supplements is not the ultim@te solution and that an entire lifestyle change is necessary to TRULY potentially reverse these types of conditions. However, even if some of these people are willing to make a lifestyle change and perhaps make some different food choices, there is often still a HUGE fear lingering there that they still "need" to take synthetic calcium supplements... AND... new evidence is showing that without further intervention to actively reverse some of the dam@ge done by these synthetic supplements, stiffness does not subside, even after ceasing to use these kinds of supplements.
WE may know that these UNNATURAL supplements are most likely not helping our family members and friends and that they are in fact probably leading to increasing amounts of bodily d@mage. We may have always felt this, but didn't feel we had any scientific knowledge and/or proof to explain the situation and that the mainstream doctors may actually be misguided on these matters.
Well, help is finally here! David Wolfe's new'Longevity Now' Program DESTROYS this 'we need calcium' theory with MOUNDS and MOUNDS of scientific, factual evidence to the contrary. I feel the fact that David Wolfe has brought this to our community is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! We now actually have the knowledge and 'know-how' on exactly what to do about all this. I personally have been getting AMAZING results on a 15-year old inj.ury in my shoulder from applying the principles David outlines in this program... and the fluidity of my joints and every body part - from following many of his tips - astounds me, which I will discuss later in this article.
In the "Longevity Now" program, you can learn how we don't in fact need calcium to build calcium in the body. In actuality, taking calcium products tends to cause calcification throughout the body, debilitating our health with arthr!tis and other calcifying conditions, as the years go by. David explores deeply how 'Calcium' nanobacteria organisms can store themselves in hard little shells in different areas of the body, such as joints and muscles, protecting themselves from our immune system. He also states that other viruses, bacteria, and fungi (e.g. candida) can also house themselves inside these tiny clam-like caging structures.
With scientific proof to back him up, David states that taking calcium does not increase bone density or help the healing of our bones. Instead, it can actually lead to chr0nic and debilitating calcifications within the body. I would guess that many of your family and friends who take calcium supplements have issues such as arthrit!s and other stiffness throughout their bodies. If you read this program, you can @ccess all the scientific info about this that you might want, to help them understand what is really going on here.
With scientific evidence, David shows that Silica and Magnesium (we'll be carrying the recommended products soon) are actually the key nutrients that are trans–mutated into organic calcium within the body, which can then genuinely be utilized to build bone density. They key here is to get the DEEP-ROOTED calcifications out of our bodies, keep them out for good, and to supply the body instead with what it truly needs. For any long-term inj.ury you may have, arthrit!s, or any other pains in the body, most likely these areas are riddled with these nanobacteria calcification build-ups. Even though I have been eating100% Raw for 10 years and have detoxed massively, I feel that even I have a build up of calcifications in at least one area - an old inj.ury I received over 15 years ago, which I discuss below.
The 100 Day Longevity Now Program is a step by step handbook on how to rid the body of these DEEP-ROOTED calcification deposits.
I am sure that you DON'T want to be left behind on this CUTTING-EDGE information. I can only relay so much of it. We only have 26 more 'Longevity Now' Programs left in my priv@te stash of them, since David apparently already sold out. I HIGHLY recommend getting one of these LAST 26 'Longevity Now' Programs by clicking HERE. They will most likely be gone by the end of the day.
About 15 years ago, I injured the side of my upper arm/shoulder from lifting weights. After the inj.ury, my MACHO self kept working out without allowing any time for healing, which kept making the inj.ury worse. I do have full range of motion, however, there is deep-rooted scar tissue there and when I try to massage that area or stretch it out, I go through a lot of p@in. It is said that these nanobacterias (calcifications) like to find the area of least resistance, in the weakest part of the body and populate there. It seems likely to me now that I have developed deep coral-structured calcifications right in this area on my arm.
My recent j0urney of recovery with this old inj.ury all started at the 'Raw Union' Festiv@l; David said to me "Imagine having an inj.ury, arthr!tis, or any other p@in within the body. As the years go on, generally, these pains get worse with age. You must take ACTION to reverse it NOW, or it will just get worse and worse." Realizing that I had the ability to help heal my body completely of ALL the stiffness and pains, gave me the PASSION and FUEL to utilize this program and share here some of the wonderful insights I am accessing. I truly believe in this protocol or I would not be talking about it here.
Since that day at Raw Union, I have been getting MIRACULOUS results in removing these calcifications. My inj.ury has healed SO MUCH in such a minimal amount of time, that I feel certain it is related to the calcification build-ups mentioned before. This program has inspired me to take my healing all the way. My body has never felt as fluid as it does now and I can only imagine it getting better and better from here. I am convinced that you will not regret investing in the 'Longevity Now' Program.
In the program, David discusses a five–step procedure for breaking down old calcifications and healing. We can stop taking the calcium supplements and take the products instead that genuinely help to build calcium. We can take products that are miraculous for dissolving old calcifications. We can boost immunity with certain herbs and superfoods. We can take advantage of PROFOUND new technologies such as Parasite "Zappers" and Grounding Technology (Which I can't RAVE enough about!!!) Last but not least, David discusses the importance of stretching (yoga) and deep tissue body work to get down into those calcified areas and help break them up.
I went straight into the HIGH INTENSITY level of the program, and I feel like this process has practically healed my inj.ury already...and I haven't even started implementing everything recommended YET. The products that I have been taking, which are recommended in the 'Longevity Now' Program to help dissolve these calcium deposits are: MSM, Liquid Zeolite, Shilajit (richest form of natural fulvic @cid), and DMSO. The program will teach you how to take these supplements and in which dosages, based on the intensity level you choose in the program. I am also experimenting with topical MMS/DMSO combinations, as the Chlorine Dioxide has the potential to destr0y pathogens on contact. DMSO alone apparently has the potential to be a calcium dissolver, as it is full of sulphur, so putting the MMS/DMSO combination on my shoulder inj.ury has been working wonders, I feel. I also remember getting some body-work done about a year ago from an AMAZING chiropractor who is into raw foods, who I met at a raw food festiv@l. I remember him saying to me, "Matt, I take DMSO/MMS right through the skin on those stiff areas to help break down those little critters." Until now, I had no real idea what he was talking about. You can learn more about taking MMS with DMSO by clicking HERE.
Additionally, in the Longevity Now program the 'Terminator Zapper' is also said to have the potential to destr0y these nanobacteria calcium deposits. I have been using this kind of Zapper on my inj.ury for weeks now and feel it has also been a great help to break down the calcium structures in there. (The program also talks about how the zapper can be a great help for those with herpes.) Additionally, intensive body work and stretching (yoga) in these injured areas are recommended, to break down calcifications. I've been massaging myself deep down to the bone and STRETCHING the areas on this inj.ury, which gets quite painful sometimes. Well, No P@in, No Gain :-) In addition to all this, I have been sleeping on Grounding Technology every single night, which I feel has been supporting my body and healing enormously. I have been !!!DETOXING!!! and HEALING and I LOVE IT!!! I can't say enough about the wonders of this grounding technology. It just want to CRY with j0y that this technology is available to us.
In conclusion, the results for me so far of applying just isome of the recommended protocol steps from "Longevity Now" have been EXTRAORDINARY and I am excited to continue working on every single body part and becoming the most FLUID and healthy I can be. I intend to continue picking up products from this program (until we have EVERYTHING available for you) and I will discuss the benefits and uses of each product in the New Products section, starting with today's Newsletter :-)
To purch@se the 'Longevity Now' Program CLICK HERE!
To purch@se the Barefoot Technology products, CLICK HERE.
The Raw Food World T.V. Show
For those of you who don't already know, Angela and I do an online T.V. Show every single day on YouTube, which seems to inspire THOUSANDS of people, daily. "The Raw Food World T.V. Show" is extremely popular these days and usually gets over 2000 views a day. Below is a RECENT & FAVORITE episode of Angela and I demonstrating how to make fresh Goji Juice. If you're interested in signing up to receive a daily email which has the T.V. Show embedded in it, along with a little note from me, you can learn how to do that below this video:
We post a NEW, f.r.e.e show each and every day! If you're interested in receiving the daily emails that have the T.V. Show embedded with a little note from me, then click the link below and put your email address in the subscription box on the right-hand side. It is a double confirm process, so you will need to confirm as you sign up, then again from a link you will be sent by email after you sign up. Here is the site to sign up, on the right side of the page:
Angela and I have been touring ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!!! I am pretty confident that at some point we'll be somewhere near your area! You can check out all of our events by clicking HERE. I am still in the process of putting together MANY MORE events for later in the year, that are not yet on our events page, so keep checking back to see when we'll be in your area. There are literally about 20 more talks that are in the process of being confirmed, which are not up there yet... Here's some of the line–up so far:
*July 28th, Frazer, Pennsylvania
*July 29th, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
*July 30th, West Haven, Connecticut
*July 31st, New York, New York
*August 2nd, Mystic, Connecticut
*August 8th, Bangor, Maine
*August 11th, Montpelier, Vermont
*August 12th, Buffalo, New York
*August 16th, Boulder, Colorado
*August 21st-23rd, Vibrant Living Expo, Fort Bragg, California
*August 24th, Healdsburg, California
*August 26th, Sacramento, California
AND!!!... there's more to come from September, including: New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Mississippi, Florida,
Virginia, North Carolina, New York, Massachusettes, Ohio - you can check in at
our events page
to see if we're coming your way ;) We hope to see you at one of these
events soon if we're in your area... or if you'd love to help us set
a talk near you, let us know by replying here and we'll
see what we can hook up ;) Thanking yooouuuuuu
New Products at The Raw Food World
Whole Raw Quinoa, Millet, Oats, and Buckwheat Groats, 22oz
We just put these new Whole Raw Grains on our website a couple of days ago, and I can't get over how POPULAR they are already... They are just flying off the shelves!!! These grains are RICH in enzymes and can be used as an AWESOME addition to a raw food lifestyle when soaked or a PERFECT food steamed for an Intermediate Whole Food Lifestyle.
Deer Antler Essence!?!?!
Recently, I was at a raw food festiv@l, and George, the owner of Jing Herbs, came up to me and introduced himself. He told me that David Wolfe was now taking a few of his products, and Deer Antler Essence was one of them. This product contains Deer Antler Tips (There is apparently new deer antler growth each year, part of which can be harvested without harming the animal), Gojis AND He Shou Wu. If you've listened much to David speak, I am sure that you have heard him mention Deer Antler, Gojis and He Shou Wu at one point or another.
Jing Herbs say: Deer Antler Essence is a premiere tonic formulation for the rejuvenation of Yin Essence, Yang Essence, and blo0d. Deer Antler is a prized tonic in the East that provides deep nourishment of Jing Essence. Considered a Yang tonic, it provides physic@l, sexual, and creative energy by nourishing the root energy of the body. It also is extremely powerful for nourishing bone marrow and building blo0d.
He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) and Lycium are both powerful Yin Jing restorative herbs that nourish blo0d, replenish Essence, tonify fertility, and promote longevity. Together, these three herbs deeply nourish and vitalize root energy for those whose lifestyles demand nothing but the best.
Ingredients: New Zealand Deer Antler Tips, Lycium fruit, Polygonum multiflorum (prepared) root.
WILD Reishi Mushroom!!!
Another HIGH QUALITY product by Jing Herbs. This is the HIGHEST quality WILD Reishi Mushroom that we could get our hands on!!! It is one of the TOP IMMUNE BOOSTING products recommended by David Wolfe in his "Longevity Now" Program.
This Reishi Mushroom product is a wild crafted tonic herb for cultivating Spiritual energy, modulating immune function, and promoting health, longevity, and peace of mind.
Ingredients: Ye Sheng Wild crafted Reishi fruiting body.
Here are all the latest new additions to The Raw Food World Store:
- Deer Antler Essence, 2oz
- WILD Reishi Mushroom, 90 caps
- Whole Raw Oats, 22oz
- Whole Raw Quinoa, 22oz
- Whole Raw Buckwheat Groats, 22oz
- Whole Raw Millet, 22oz
- Liquid Stevia Leaf, 2oz
- Chocolate Raspberry Liquid Stevia Leaf, 2oz
- Vanilla Creme' Liquid Stevia Leaf, 2oz
- English Toffee Liquid Stevia Leaf, 2oz
Angela INSISTED that we pick up these low glycemic sweeteners on our website. She ABSOLUTELY LOVES them. Her FAVORITE is the English Toffee flavor (and Vanilla Creme').
SweetLeaf Flavored Liquid Stevia is all natural, zero calories, no carbs, and infinitely flavorful. At only a penny per drop, you can easily dress up the taste of water, tea, smoothies, ice cubes, and nearly anything else. The uses are endless.
AAAAAAAAND... Many More New Products COMING SOON!!!
Honeymoon "At Cost" & "Below Cost" Specials & Coup0n C0de!
Check it out!...
Mr. John Roulac from Nutiva helped me out with this super–generous speci@l offer. Get a 3 pound bag of Hem.p Seeds 'BELOW OUR COST' for as low as $18.79... AND!!!... When you purch@se this, you get a Hem.p Seed Oil 16oz, in a DARK Glass Jar for F.R.E.E!!! I am going NUTS HERE with these SPECIALS>>> AHHHHH HA HA HAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa!!! Supplies are LIMITED, so order NOW!
If you used to like CREAMY Peanut Butter, then you too will go NUTS, for our new CREAMY RAW ORGANIC Almond Butter made from TRULY RAW Organic Almonds from Sicily. This almond butter is CREAMY throughout the ENTIRE JAR! Angela and I are ADDICTED to this CREAMY Almond Butter. We have been eating it EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Stock up now, because I am sure that you will get ADDICTED to it just like us :-).
We are very fortunate to be able to bring you this POPULAR, SOUGHT-AFTER product, Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton, at 10% off single bottles, PLUS a couple of other bulk offers, JUST for this month. I have been taking this 100% Readily Absorbable, Mineral RICH, HIGH in Chlorophyll, Best Plant-Based source of DHA & EPA, COMPLETE PROTEIN, OFF THE CHARTS in Antioxidants & Polysaccharides Marine Phytoplankton every single day for the last month. This is one of the KEY superfoods that David Wolfe recommends in "Longevity Now". Don't miss out on these unique Marine Phytoplankton SPECI@L OFFERS!!!
And YES... I would love to see EVERYONE replace their Gatorade with REDDROX, which is an OPTIMAL way to hydrate ourselves. A lot of people have been CURIOUS about the REDDROX... And now here is your ch@nce to try it inexpensively :-)... And last but not LEAST... another one of our most POPULAR products at the Raw Food World is our MSM Capsules. MSM is another KEY ingredient to aid in the process of DISSOLVING calcification deposits within the body.
This month, I am offering the outrageously delectable Ulimana Raw Chocolate Truffles 'BELOW COST', as we have a glut of them on hand. These BEST-TASTING Raw Chocolate Truffles are normally $14.95 and last month we offered them to you for $10.47 each. This month, we are lowering the price to $8.75, which means they are more than HALF off, with the coup0n c0de!
The following specials are available until August 31st...
"Below Cost":
"At Cost":
Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton Specials, available this month ONLY:
Click Here For "At Cost" Specials
Additionally, you can redeem this coup0n at by typing in - HONEYMOON - in the coup0n number section, to get an additional 7% off your order. This coup0n will be good through August 31st, 2009 and can be redeemed at:
You can get 12% off your order and ALL FUTURE ORDERS by joining the Inner Circle Community HERE for ONLY $9.97 a month.
~Many Blessings to you from The Raw Food World~
Thank you for continuing to let us serve you.
We wish you and those you love, the very best of everything!
1 comment:
Perfect video I could see excellent elements from here, I hope watching the next video if that's possible because this one was really good.
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