Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Raw Food World Newsletter

Greetings from Matt Monarch

In this Newsletter you can enjoy:

  • "More on Longevity" - Article by Matt Monarch
  • Weekend Raw Food Retreat in FL with Matt Monarch & Angela Stokes-Monarch
  • The Raw Food World RADIO Show - NEXT: Gabriel Cousens
  • New Products: Our New RAW Centrifuged Coconut Oil!!!, Sunflower Lecithin!!!, Etherium Black, Pink and Gold, many books & DVD's, and More!...
  • Powder Extravaganza "At Cost!" Specials: Maca Powder, Cacao Powder, Lucuma Powder, and Agave Powder
  • "Below Cost!" Specials: Warrior Food and Tahini (Living Tree Coommunity)!!!
More on Longevity - Article by Matt Monarch

The following information is for education only and is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional before making any changes.

We get all of our 'old school' raw food books from one particular publisher, including Luigi Cornaro's, 'How to Live to Be 100 Years Old' book that I discussed in the last newsletter and all of Hilton Hotema's books. This publisher carries THOUSANDS of fascinating books all the way back from the 14th to the 19th century. When we placed our last BIG order with them for more of Luigi Cornaro's wonderful book, they RANDOMLY sent me another book to sample. I don't believe in "coincidences" anymore. By DIVINE INTERVENTION, out of all of the THOUSANDS of books that they carry, they sent me, 'How to Prolong Your Life', by DeLacy Evans, C.W., from 1910!!!

The entire book discusses what Delacy Evans believes to be the main cause of aging, which is earthy matter building up in the body, resulting in issues such as calcification. The first third of the book is PURE SCIENCE and STATISTICS discussing this "ossification" of the body from being a new-born baby into old age. For example, he gives statistics concerning the elasticity/flexibility of bones depending on a person's age. As we get older, bones become harder and more inflexible. This is a result of the ossification (calcification). The tests and studies show that if you subject human bones to heat until nothing is left but a pile of earthy matter (ash), the older the individual was, the larger the pile of earthy substances left over will be, when the exact same weight of bones are being reduced to ash. Evans states that when a child injures a bone that it is frequently just bent or partially broken, due to the minimal amount of ossification in the child and there is much more flexible spongy tissue in the bone. Adults' bones tend to build up earthy matter with time, become less spongy, and are more easily fractured or broken.

Now... This is just ONE EXAMPLE of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and longevity out of the tens and tens of examples Evans gives in this book. He discusses each body part and gives scientific evidence as to how each body part ossifies as the years go by, which encompasses arthritis, cataracts for the eyes, rigidity in muscles, plaque in the arteries, brain, lungs, sex organs and so on...

I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! As soon as I finished this book, I emailed David Wolfe. I asked him if he had ever read the book and asked him if it was an inspiration for the amazing Longevity Now Program. He said that he has never even heard of this book... AND...he excitedly asked me to save him a copy of this century-old book.

DeLacy Evans gives many suggestions on how to avoid ossification build up. The main focus is to bring less earthy matter into your body. One of the MAIN ways to do this is by eating small amounts of food, consistently. He actually even cites Luigi Cornaro from our last newsletter, referring to how he ate only 12oz of food per day. He also lists all the foods that are the LOWEST in earthy matter and suggests these are the ones we should subside on.

Another really fun portion of the book is the section where Evans cites well over 50 people who lived anywhere from 100 years to 209 years old. He gives each person's name and writes a small paragraph about them and their habits. One guy lived to be 180 years old; he MADE SURE to sleep on the earth EVERY NIGHT! One guy ate very little food, because he didn't want to spend money!!! Angela LOVED this portion of the book. She was totally INTRIGUED to know more about their longevity tricks and laughed out loud at many of the examples.

Another one of Evans' KEY suggestions to avoid ossification, is to drink distilled water, which back then, was devoid of all earthy matter and chemicals. I have been writing articles for years now and I have ALWAYS avoided the topic of water. However, NOW I find that I have STRONG OPINIONS on this topic. I will be doing an article on water soon in an upcoming newsletter.

Another one of Evans' suggestions to avoid calcium build up is free phosphorus/phosphoric acid. He gave examples of how certain communities experience EXTREME longevity. He attributed this in part to the amount of free phosphorus in the foods there, which was derived from the soil. He also states how unfortunate it is that with modern agricultural practices, phosphorous is minimal in much of the Earth's soil now. In the video series that we just did with Dr. Gabriel Cousens (see further down in this newsletter), I discussed with Gabriel that David Wolfe recommends fulvic acid in his Longevity Now Program and I wondered if this had the same effect as the phosporic acid in breaking down any calcium build up. Gabriel said that, "Phosphoric Acid, is the ingredient that Pepsi uses to give it that BITE taste and it is pretty harsh on the body. Notice the common word "ACID" here. This is the part that seems to have the capability of breaking down this calcification. The fulvic acid seems to be a gentler way on the body to make this happen."

Additionally, David Wolfe suggested I Google "Fulvic Acid Report" and after doing so, I discovered that due to the fact that our soils are so depleted in these acids, fulvic acid can be MIRACULOUS when taken as a supplement. Not only does it have the potential to break down calcium build-ups, studies also show that one single fulvic acid molecule is capable of carrying 60 or more minerals and trace elements into cells. Go check out the free "Fulvic Acid Report" and you too will see the MANY benefits of it.

This "calcification build-up" theory is ABSOLUTELY LEGIT in my opinion!!!

I HIGHLY recommend getting this NEW/OLD book, 'How to Prolong Life' by DeLacy Evans.

Before... I was really hyped on David Wolfe's Longevity Now Program, and NOW, I also feel that this is a totally NECESSARY piece of the equation for ULTIMATE health and longevity. The Longevity Now Program is a true REVOLUTIONARY'S Life Work and you don't want to miss the boat on this one!

You can purchase the 'Longevity Now' Program, by clicking HERE.

If you are one of the THOUSANDS of people who have already hopped on board with the Longevity Now Program, I feel that the body work portion that David recommends in this program is an ABSOLUTE MUST. Any type of injury, stiffness, or ANY type of body part that is not CONSISTENTLY COMPLETELY FLUID, without any pain whatsoever, is most likely going to worsen and stiffen more with age. For ULTIMATE LONGEVITY we need to ELIMINATE this scar tissue and calcification build-ups now, which not only takes the pain away, but opens up energetic pathways to help the body function optimally.

I was fortuitously led to a method that will eliminate scar tissue and break down calcifications more effectively than ANYTHING out there. The "Graston Method" is almost painless and I could not get over how !!!QUICK!!! it is to show effective results. The first session that I did, changed my life forever. After my third session, I feel like I could cry in happiness right here right now. I didn't even really know that I was in pain prior to this treatment. At the point right where my head meets my neck, my body is completely fluid right now. My spine and shoulders are as fluid as can be. My shoulder/upper arm has had an injury for well over a decade with scar tissue built up. That is practically gone now. Since that ON-GOING obstruction and pain is suddenly gone, I NOW realize that there used to be pain there. IT'S JUST ABSENT NOW!!! I have much more range of motion and I can sense the Kundalini energy more prominently with these newly opened pathways. The constant stress and twinges in those areas, which had been there so long that I did not even recognize them, is now GONE! ADDITIONALLY, it is now MUCH easier for me to do yoga. On the next day after my treatments, I couldn't believe how far I was able to do a back bend and how long I was able to keep it there. My Yoga has become "effortless"!

Gabriel Cousens has recently teamed up with Dr. George Cromack and they are now the co-founders and co-directors of the 'Renew Yourself Rejuvenation and Holistic Alignment' Program. I think this is the BEST hands-on healing program that I have ever seen. For over a DECADE now, I have had MANY health food institutes approach me with INCREDIBLE offers to send them referrals. I have never felt good about it, because I didn't necessarily resonate with what they offer. However... NOW...after my first-hand experiences, I am more than EXCITED to recommend the Tree of Life as THE health food institute to visit, in order to heal. I GET PAID NOTHING for referring anyone to the Tree of Life. This comes STRAIGHT FROM MY HEART, because I am so passionate and excited about what they are doing there!!! You can check out this program by clicking HERE. On this page, you can check out a video of Dr. Gabriel Cousens discussing this program. Additionally, they use David Wolfe's 'Longevity Now' supplement protocol to help break down these rigid old calcification build-ups.

The Tree of Life is currently the only place that you can go to potentially heal from any condition or ailment that you may have, while at the same time having the opportunity to access the most profound and effective body work in the world. People have literally arrived there in wheelchairs and walked out on their own feet, after a few weeks of top-notch treatment. For over a decade now, I have been trying DOZENS of different healing modalities for my injury, including acupuncture, rolfing, deep tissue massage. Of everything I have ever tried, this Graston Technique was easily the least painful and the MOST EFFECTIVE. Angela and I are going back to the Tree after our current tour to do a full month's worth of body work and take us to our LIMITS. I personally talked to a couple of Dr. George Cromack's patients who had experienced miraculous results with their range of motion and much more. David Wolfe got treatment here and was also apparently DUMBFOUNDED by the results.

The method that Dr. George Cromack uses is the Graston Technique in combination with chiropractic adjustments and a decompression and release of the stress/adhesions in the spine. .

This video below says it all and it will also show you the ease and remarkable effectiveness of the process that we went through.


This video below will show Gabriel and I talking about my session with Dr. George Cromack and it also talks about the fulvic acid that we disccussed above.


The rest of this video series with Gabriel is available at the links below:


My four STRONG recommendations are:

  • Purchase the 'Longevity Now' Program by clicking HERE.
    Avoid the pitfalls - David did all this LIFE-CHANGING work and research for us!!!
  • Visit the Tree of Life.
    Make sure to experience the 'Renew Yourself Rejuvenation and Holistic Alignment' Program with Dr. George!
  • Purchase Dr. George Cromack's Book HERE.
    Dr. George discusses different beneficial longevity techniques and tricks encompassing both the raw food realm and beyond...


  • Purchase 'How to Prolong Life', by DeLacy Evans by clicking HERE.

    Weekend Raw Food Retreat in FL with Matt Monarch & Angela Stokes-Monarch

    Angela and I are EXCITED as can be about the upcoming retreat that we are holding in Florida, right on the beach - see this picture to the right: yeeeeeeee-HAW!!!

    From October 16th to 18th on the Palm Coast, FL, we'll be enjoying a relaxing, rejuvenating weekend retreat at an oceanfront mansion, giving talks on raw food, sampling raw creations from talented chefs, playing with biomats, doing detox footbaths, massage and reflexology and enjoying the beautiful ocean and beach - YUMMY :) The price is only $199 w/out lodging, or $299 w/ luxury lodging, for an AWESOME Fun-Filled weekend.

    Angela and I have been touring for months, doing events many nights a week. We generally each speak for 1 - 1.5 hours each; I often want to speak a lot longer and there is not the opportunity at these shorter events. I am mostly excited about this retreat, because we are both going to get the opportunity to POUR every last bit of information out, to the attendees.

    I am going to get the opportunity to discuss ALL of the following:

  • Healing from degenerative disease
  • Spiritual aspects of improving diet
  • Social issues
  • Detoxification
  • Sensitivities
  • Parasites and Pathogens
  • and SO MUCH MORE....

    Angela will get the opportunity to discuss ALL of the following:

  • Her profound weight loss story
  • Juice Feasting
  • Emotional eating/cravings
  • Top raw food tips to avoid pitfalls
  • Reconnecting with nature
  • Supporting physical detox
  • and SO MUCH MORE....

    Come join Angela and I in Florida on Friday October 16th - 18th as we explore all the ins and outs of diet, emotions, and spirit as we enjoy the TOP QUALITY raw food being prepared by the experienced raw chef owner of the Present Moment Cafe'.

    Click HERE for more details AND to sign up! - Spaces are limited, so get in touch soon if you'd love to join us!

    The Raw Food World RADIO Show - NEXT: Gabriel Cousens

    Our radio interview with Shazzie a few nights ago was AMAZING!!! Oh man!!!... I feel like I'm starting to build up quite a reputation for asking BOLD and INCORRIGIBLE questions!!!... I can't BELIEVE that Shazzie ACTUALLY ANSWERED some of those personal questions!!!

    Coming up on the NEXT Raw Food World RADIO Show, we've got Dr. Gabriel Cousens!!! I am SO EXCITED about this interview. I want to go DEEP with Gabriel Cousens into the spiritual aspects of the Raw Food Lifestyle. I sense... that I PERSONALLY am going to be BLOWN AWAY by this interview!!!

    It's going to be HUGE!!!... AND... You don't want to miss out on this interview! Additionally, I am sure that I can think of some INTERESTING unique questions that are not typically asked of the good Doctor ;-)

    Listen in LIVE as I, Matt Monarch interview Dr. Gabriel Cousens, on Thursday NIGHT, October 15th at 10:00 Eastern time (7pm Pacific). There is only room for 1000 people to listen in again LIVE on the call... SO sign up ASAP!

    Sign up for the Raw Food World RADIO Show featuring Dr. Gabriel Cousens by clicking HERE.

    New Products

    The Raw Food World's Raw Centrifuged Coconut Oil!, 16oz

    I am SOOOO EXCITED about our NEW RAW Centrifuged Coconut Oil!!! I have been searching for the BEST SOURCE possible and I FINALLY got it!!! I GUARANTEE that it will be the BEST coconut oil that you have ever tasted!!! This coconut oil is TRULY raw, unlike 90% of the coconut oils out on the market.

    The consistency of our coconut oil is like NO OTHER and it will surely be a MAGICAL experience. ENJOY!

    Sunflower Lecithin, 16oz
    Oh Man!!! Another product that I am EXTREMELY EXCITED ABOUT!!! In Shazzie's book Evie's Kitchen, she talks about the important nutrient choline for brain development in children. Choline is also important for adults and is generally only found in animal products and other cooked foods. Processed soy lecithin has been the primary vegan source of choline UNTIL NOW!!!

    Sunflower Lecithin is a DARK and THICK syrupy substance and I can happily eat it by the spoonful without it messing me up. Lecithin actually emulsifies fat, so it even helps the nut butters I eat digest better. I put almond butter with Sunflower Lecithin in my mouth and I felt the fats dissolving. Angela LOVES putting the Sunflower Lecithin in her energy soup, because it acts as a thickening agent and it makes it taste better while at the same time improving the smooth consistency of the meal.

    Unlike Soy Lecithin, Sunflower Lecithin is 100% RAW; it is cold pressed - no heat or solvents are used during extraction. It is my prediction that Sunflower Lecithin is going to be the next hit Raw Chocolate ingredient.

    Check out the video of us using the Sunflower Lecithan...


    Etherium Pink, Black, and Gold Powders
    These Etherium products come from a crater near Klamath Lake in Oregon. These powders are comprised of a group of elements in a monatomic state, referred to as "ORMES" for "Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements." This is a new form (phase) of matter with entirely different physical properties from normal elements. Conventional chemistry texts have been of little value in explaining ORMES. Several scientists have started studies of such matter although, to our knowledge, none has yet developed a satisfactory theory explaining the phenomena.

    ORMES are naturally occurring in certain volcanic soils dating back to a geological event which occurred about 60 million years ago. Such soils are present throughout the western United States. Soils which are considered rich in these elements might contain up to six percent of this material. The remaining 94 percent or more of the material is ordinary dirt comprised mainly of silicon compounds. Initial processing consists of removing the dirt to get the residue. The residue comprises ORMES or the powder. These powders are used a lot in the recipes in Kate Magic's book "Raw Magic". To purchase and/or to learn more about these Etherium products, click HERE.

    Schizandra and the Gates of Mu, by Laura Bruno

    Author Laura Bruno came along to our recent talk at Cafe' Gratitude in Healdsburg, CA. She handed me her new book that JUST came off the press. Ever since that moment, Angela would be clapping her hands with joy every night as we read the book before going to sleep. Schizandra and the Gates of Mu is such a fun adventure that you can take your kids on with you, or just read by yourself. It's the first fiction book that I have ever seen combine story threads around raw cacao beans, superfoods, astrology, massage and other alternative modalities. This is the first book of a 9-part series that will be produced in the coming years.


    Here are all the latest new additions to The Raw Food World Store:

    Natalia Rose's Books
    I can't believe it took me this long to get ALL of Natalia Rose's books. Natalia is one of those treasured authors who values the most effective detoxification method on the planet... Colon Hydrotherapy. She is an expert in this field and I HIGHLY recommend stocking up on all three of her outstanding books:

  • Detox for Women, by Natalia Rose
  • Raw Food Life Force Energy, by Natalia Rose
  • The Raw Food Detox Diet, by Natalia Rose

    AAAAAAAAND... Many More New Products COMING SOON!!!

    Honeymoon "At Cost" & "Below Cost" Specials & Coup0n C0de!

    This month we are having an 'At Cost' SUPERFOOD POWDER EXTRAVAGANZA!!!! We've got Maca Powder, Cacao Powder, Lucuma Powder, and Agave Powder ALL 'AT-COST'!!! If you remember on The Raw Food World Episode where Angela was making her SUPERFOOD Powder Ice Creams, now is your chance to hop on board and do the same :-)

    I felt badly that we ran out of tahini in the middle of last month's special, so this month, I really STOCKED UP! Additionally, we are offering the Living Tree Community Tahini, which is absolutely INSANE good!!! I'd have to say that it is my favorite. AAAAAAND... we are offering this tahini WAY 'BELOW-COST', which is UNHEARD OF!!! Enjoy :-)

    Last but not LEAST!!!... We are offering Jameth Sheridan's Healthforce products "Warrior Food Plain" & "Warrior Food Vanilla Enhanced + Phycocyanin" 'BELOW-COST' also!!! Jameth really wants you to try these AMAZING products, so he let me get them below cost, to share with you! We seriously only have a small, limited supply of these Warrior Foods so ORDER NOW! if you're interested.

    The following specials are available until October 31st...

    "At Cost":
  • Cacao Powder, 16oz - $13.97, Normally $19.95 - with 7% coup0n $12.99, and 12% 'Inner Circle' coup0n $12.29
  • Agave Powder, 16oz - $8.37, Normally $11.95 - with 7% coup0n $7.78, and 12% 'Inner Circle' coup0n $7.36
  • Lucuma Powder, 16oz - $11.17, Normally $15.95 - with 7% coup0n $10.38, and 12% 'Inner Circle' coup0n $9.83
  • Maca Powder, 16oz - $13.97, Normally $19.95 - with 7% coup0n $12.99, and 12% 'Inner Circle' coup0n $12.29

    "Below Cost":
  • Tahini (Living Tree Community), 16oz - $6.97, Normally $11.95 - with 7% coup0n $6.48, and 12% 'Inner Circle' coup0n $6.14
  • Warrior Food - Plain - $11.97, Normally $19.95 - with 7% coup0n $11.13, and 12% 'Inner Circle' coup0n $10.53
  • Warrior Food Vanilla Enhanced + Phycocyanin - $14.97, Normally $24.95 - with 7% coup0n $13.92, and 12% 'Inner Circle' coup0n $13.17

    To access these offers, click the link below, or type - hnymn - in the search box at the top right hand corner of www.TheRawFoodWorld.com.

    Click Here For "At Cost" Specials

    Additionally, you can redeem this coup0n at www.TheRawFoodWorld.com by typing in - HONEYMOON - in the coup0n number section, to get an additional 7% off your order. This coup0n will be good through October 31st, 2009 and can be redeemed at:


    You can get 12% off your order and ALL FUTURE ORDERS by joining the Inner Circle Community HERE for ONLY $9.97 a month.

    ~Many Blessings to you from The Raw Food World~
    Thank you for continuing to let us serve you.
    We wish you and those you love, the very best of everything!


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