Thursday, April 23, 2009

Living Tree Community Sampling, Episode #111

We Visited Living Tree Community!!! Enjoy...


Anonymous said...

I love this guy...ancient wisdom for sure!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I met you at Que Seraw last night. I was just wondering if youre going to put last nights video up. Any way, thankyou both for such a nice, informative and pleasant visit. And see you in the eithers... Blessings, Mamabird

Artemis said...

Dear Matt,
How about upgrading to a very small video camera for your daily segements because as it is now the ONLY voice heard clearly is yours! I can see where it's easier just to carry a cell phone but how about all of us out here spending time struggling to figure out what is being said? I must admit that today I simply lost interest and gave up. I understand that your travel load would be increased by a few ounces and a bit of hassle, but, if something's worth doing.........

Anonymous said...

Ahh so cool I was wondering if he was Jewish, nice to see a sabbath observant raw "yid" out there!