Saturday, April 25, 2009

San Luis Obispo Farmer's Market, Episode #112

We made it through our way to San Luis Obispo. We have an event here the next day after this video... Enjoy ;)


Unknown said...


Eliot waved hello to you when he saw you on the video. So sweet!

And I wanted to mention I'm completely in love with sunflower sprouts now. So thank you for introducing us! ha!

Ami Baio

sloboho lifestyle, Life in the Slow Lane said...

You actually pronounced San Luis Obispo Correctly, congrats. Even people who live here cannot pronounce it correctly.
We also have "you picks" at our local ag university every season...can't get much fresher than that and we have apple orchards down the road a bit in Avila Beach, a 10 min drive from SLO. This time of year they have hayrides where you can pick your own pumpkins! Nothing is like the fresh picked apples....ummmm and juice!